
A Small Selection...

Thousands of customers all over the world are already processing payments with the payment modules by sellXed.


    Thanks to our module, only a few clicks separate you from your favourite shoes
  • vitra.

    vitra. sells its furniture collection with our payment module
  • unicef österreich

    Donate to children by buying unicef cards
  • Solis

    Quality for your kitchen - paid with our credit card module

    On our PrestaShop Saferpay module is being used
  • Bentley Fragrances

    Here you pay for the suiitable perfume with the suitable credit card - thanks to our module
  • GigaMarkt

    Here you can find everything you need for a successful grill party
  • Red Door

    This furniture is sold with our module
  • dresses its customers - we provide the matching Oxid module
  • BoschVital

    Beauty products and our WooCommerce module seem to go together well
  • iko beauty

    Buy beauty products with WooCommerce PostFinance

    Buy the shampoo fine-tuned to you with the payment method fine-tuned to you